Thursday, June 2, 2011

Small amounts of normalcy

I took a small step this afternoon and left the house briefly to take lunch and cupcakes to R. Sadly, being around that many people made me incredibly anxious and left me wanting to hide under my car. I got a call from the partial hospitalization program and was told that I needed to call financial services, who then told me that no, I didn't need to have the first full day payment up front.
I don't know who to believe.
I guess I'll call back and try to get into the program starting Tuesday, as I have Dr. appointments on Monday, and I really can't miss them. I already missed on this past Tuesday because of my hospitalization.

I stopped by my job today and talked to the manager, B, my coworkers A and C, and basically dispelled the rumors about why I was in the hospital. They were understanding, but I don't know that they will look at me the same any more.

Guess I should hop offline and get on the phone with partial hospitalization again to set up to start on Tuesday.

We'll see what happens.

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