Thursday, June 2, 2011

Psycho Arts & Crafts

Another excerpt from my notebook as I was on the unit.

The doctor just came in to talk to Mikel. He is a good person to talk with and I hope he does well in his life. With any luck, I'll be out of here tonight. 
The Al Qaeda kid just came to sit and talk with me. He's 22 and he came in after attempting suicide while "drunk on ten shots". He is unemployed, and from the vibe I get from him, terribly unstable. At 22 though, I was in chaos, too. So I can understand this. Not the getting drunk and trying to kill yourself thing, but the being so disorganized and uncertain that you feel there is no way out. 
Jenna is still pacing rapidly through the unit. This is unnerving to me. So bizarre.
At 2:45, scratch that, 2:30, there was an Art Class. I couldn't find a canoe to make for my friend, N, (kind of an inside commentary between N and I) so I settled for "stained glass". A plastic tropical fish scene, which I filled with goopy paint and little motivation. It's 3:30 now and I have asked again if it would be possible to go home today. As time goes by, I think my chances are dwindling. But I have to try. 
At this "art class" a woman by the name of Gania (pronounced like Tonya with a G) kept telling me how pretty my stained glass project was. I just wanted to finish the damn thing and swim by looking like I was participating. What I learned from being on the unit for this short period of time is, you are more likely to get out if you pretend like you are trying really hard and participating in all the inane activities that they make you do. If you go to your room and just nap, they won't mark you down as "involved in your daily life". 
The Nurse facilitating the art class, Cindy, kept asking me ad nauseum if I had ever been snorkeling. I explained that I had lived in Key West and had been many times. I also told her about my travels to St. John and now I was once a travel agent. I told her about my plans to travel this fall, to Belize and Honduras. 
 I'm home after my chiropractic appointment, feeling OK in my back and neck, but not really feeling like I am OK emotionally today. I tried calling E, but got his voicemail twice. R called me and we spoke for a bit, I also talked to D. I think I am going to go with D to a different part of the state for the weekend, as I don't have any appointments until Monday morning, and I haven't heard back from the partial hospitalization program. Perhaps just being out of this area and being around people, I will be able to be OK for a while until I am back to work full time. I also talked to M for a short amount of time.

Somehow, I am going to get through this.

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